The State Constitution Requires That Each Bill Be Read

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How a Bill Becomes Police in Minnesota

The diverse offices of the Minnesota Legislature provide a diversity of documents explaining how a pecker becomes law in Minnesota. Several of the items on this folio are in portable document format (.pdf). You volition need the Adobe ® Acrobat ® reader to view them. If y'all practice not take it installed on your system, you may download it for complimentary from the Adobe website.

State Police force Process - This publication from House Public Data Services gives examples of the need for new laws, a numbered list of steps a bill must become through, and a question and answer section.

Capitol Steps: From Idea to Law - A publication produced by the House of Representatives Public Information Office that explains how bills become laws.

Making Laws - A detailed publication from the Minnesota Business firm Research Section.

How a Bill Becomes Police - The Senate Publications office publishes this menstruum chart showing the steps a bill must go through to become police.

Steps a Bill Goes Through to Become Law

Idea → Legal class → Authors → Introduction →
Committee → Floor → General Register → Agenda for the Mean solar day →
Special Orders → Conference → Floor → Governor
Questions and Answers


A bill is an thought for a new law or an idea to change an old law. Anyone can propose an idea for a bill—an private, consumer group, professional association, government bureau, or the governor. Virtually frequently, nevertheless, ideas come from legislators, the just ones who tin begin to movement an idea through the process. There are 134 House members and 67 senators.

Legal form

The Office of the Revisor of Statutes and staff from other legislative offices piece of work with legislators in putting the thought for a new police force into proper legal course. The revisor's office is responsible for assuring that the proposal'south class complies with the rules of both bodies before the neb can be introduced into the Minnesota Business firm of Representatives and the Minnesota Senate.


Each beak must take a legislator to sponsor and innovate it in the Legislature. That legislator is the chief author whose name appears on the pecker forth with the bill's file number to identify it equally it moves through the legislative process. At that place may exist upwards to 34 coauthors from the House and four from the Senate. Their names also appear on the neb.


The chief Firm writer of the bill introduces it in the House; the chief Senate writer introduces it in the Senate. Identical bills introduced in each trunk are chosen companion bills. The beak introduction is called the first reading. The presiding officer of the Firm then refers it to an appropriate House commission for discussion; the aforementioned affair happens in the Senate.


The bill is discussed in 1 or more than committees depending upon the subject matter. After give-and-take, committee members recommend action—approval or disapproval—to the total House and full Senate. The House commission and so sends a report to the House about its action on the bill; the Senate committee does likewise in the Senate.


After the full Firm or Senate accepts the committee report, the beak has its 2nd reading and is placed on the House agenda called the Full general Annals or the Senate calendar called General Orders. (A committee can recommend that non-controversial bills bypass the General Annals or General Orders and become onto the Consent Calendar, where bills usually laissez passer without debate.) After this point, House and Senate procedures differ slightly.

General Register

In the House, the General Register serves as a parking lot where bills await action by the full body. Bills chosen to appear on the Agenda for the 24-hour interval or the Financial Calendar are fatigued from the General Register.

In the Senate, a different procedure is used. Bills are listed on the Full general Orders agenda. Senate members, acting as the "committee of the whole," take a chance to argue the issue and offer amendments on the nib. Subsequently, they vote to recommend: passage of the bill, progress (delay activeness), or further committee action. And sometimes they recommend that a bill not laissez passer. From here, the bill is placed on the Calendar.

Calendar for the Day

In the Firm, the Agenda for the 24-hour interval is a list of bills the House Rules and Legislative Administration Commission has designated for the full Firm to vote on. Members can vote to amend the pecker, and after amendments are dispensed with, the bill is given its third reading before the vote of the total torso is taken. The House also has a Fiscal Agenda, on which the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee or House Taxes Committee can recollect for consideration any tax or finance bill that has had a second reading. The bills are debated, amended, and passed in ane day.

In the Senate, bills approved by the "committee of the whole" are placed on the Calendar. At this indicate, the bill has its tertiary reading, later on which fourth dimension the beak cannot be amended unless the entire body agrees to it. Toward the end of the session, the Senate Commission on Rules and Administration designates bills from the General Orders agenda to receive priority consideration. These Special Orders bills are debated, amended, and passed in 1 day. A bill needs 68 votes to laissez passer the House and 34 votes to pass the Senate. If the Business firm and Senate each laissez passer the same version of the nib, it goes to the governor for a signature.

Special Orders

Toward the finish of the session, the rules commission of the House and the Bulk Leader of the Senate may designate bills from the General Orders to receive priority consideration in their respective bodies. These Special Orders bills are debated, amended, and passed in one day. The House also has a Rule i.ten calendar which allows the chairs of the Taxes and Appropriations committees to call up for consideration any tax or appropriations pecker that has had a 2nd reading. These Rule i.ten bills are debated, amended, and passed in one day.


If the House and Senate versions of the bill are dissimilar, they go to a conference committee. In the House, the speaker appoints iii or five representatives, and in the Senate, the Subcommittee on Committees of the Commission on Rules and Administration selects the same number of senators to course the committee. The committee meets to work out differences in the ii bills and to reach a compromise.


The conference commission's compromise pecker then goes back to the House and the Senate for another vote. If both bodies laissez passer the bill in this grade, it is sent to the governor for his or her approval or disapproval. (If one or both bodies pass up the report, information technology goes back to the conference committee for further consideration.)


Once the governor has the bill, he or she may: sign it, and the neb becomes law; veto information technology inside three days; or allow information technology to become police force by non signing it. During session, the House and Senate can override a governor'due south veto. This requires a two-thirds vote in the House (90 votes) and Senate (45 votes). The governor also may "line-item veto" parts of a money bill, or "pocket veto" a bill passed during the last iii days of the session by not signing it within 14 days subsequently last banishment.

Questions and Answers

How are bills amended?

Bills going through the Legislature are often amended, which can profoundly change the thrust of a bill.

Most oftentimes legislators brand amendments to bills when they are beingness considered in commission. Committee members are usually well-versed in the subjects of the bills, and they have the time at this bespeak to consider making changes. Legislators can also amend bills when they reach the Business firm or Senate floor. In both cases, amendments are adopted by a majority vote.

Generally, the legislator offering the amendment will have the proposal drafted past legislative staff earlier offering it for discussion.

What are first, 2d, and tertiary readings?

A "reading" is the presentation of a neb before either body when the bill title is read. Bills must have three readings, one on each of three separate days, before they tin can receive final approval. Each of these readings is a stage in the enactment of a measure. Exceptions tin occur, however, if the rules are suspended.

The Minnesota Constitution outlines this process to ensure that legislators know exactly what bills are earlier them, and to permit fourth dimension for legislators to study the proposals.

The start reading occurs when a bill author introduces a bill on the Business firm or Senate floor, after which information technology is sent to a committee for consideration.

The second reading occurs when either torso finishes committee action on a beak and it is sent to the floor. This happens in advance of the floor debate on the beak.

The third reading occurs immediately preceding the final vote on the pecker.

Even though the Minnesota Constitution requires this process, information technology permits legislators to dispense with the rule when necessary.

What happens to bills remaining on calendars at the end of the first session of a biennium?

Bills of this nature are returned to the last committee from which they were reported to the floor. But before they can exist reported to the floor in the succeeding year, the commission must once more recommend activeness.

Are there any legislative deadlines?

Bills can be introduced at any time during a session, simply there are committee deadlines after which a nib will no longer exist considered that session.

Committee deadlines are announced during the commencement half of a session in club to winnow the listing of topics to exist dealt with that year. The first deadline requires bills to have been approved by all policy committees in either the House or Senate in order to be considered further that session.

The second deadline sets a date after which bills will non be considered unless they have passed through all policy committees of both bodies.

The third borderline is the date by which the Senate Finance Committee and House Means and Means Commission must have canonical their omnibus cribbing bills.

Of grade, there are exceptions to every rule; these deadlines generally practise non utilize to tax and appropriations bills.

How do legislators vote on various bug?

Although people frequently telephone call and enquire for a legislator'south "voting tape," no such complete certificate exists. In reality, each legislator casts hundreds of votes on assorted bills that are afterward recorded in the Periodical of the House. The Senate has a comparable journal.

If you want to know how a legislator voted on a specific nib, the House Index Office (651-296-6646) and the Senate Information Office (651-296-0504 or 1-888-234-1112) can help you.

Probably the best way to get a experience for a legislator'south voting record is to contact whatsoever number of special involvement groups that rate legislators based on issues that are important to them. Several business associations and ecology groups, for case, effect regular ratings.

When do new laws become into effect?

Well-nigh new laws go into result on Aug. 1 following a legislative session unless a neb specifies some other date. Exceptions are bills that incorporate an appropriation, which go constructive July 1, the aforementioned date the fiscal yr begins.

What is an omnibus bill?

An coach bill is a large bill that includes several different issues under one general topic such as pedagogy. It's normally an appropriations beak, contains many pages, and is often comprised of several private bills. Legislators oft say the smaller bills are "rolled into" the larger one.

Text past the Minnesota House of Representatives Public Information Services Office. 03/29/2000 (Atomic number 82)


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