How Much Muscle Can You Gain in 6 Months

One frequently asked question which always seems to plague gym instructors, Internet message boards, diverse magazines and books has to do with muscle gain. Many of u.s. accept heard or have overheard the local gym guru or the community fitness expert boasting about how much he/she has gained, or how i of their clients has gained 10 pounds in a month.

When someone hears this, a light goes on inside their head and information technology kicks off a series of thoughts that quickly translate into a set of unrealistic goals. I will say this: that from whichever mouth it comes, whether a highly regarded double-decker, trainer or a bodybuilder, the fact of the matter is that it'due south physiologically incommunicable to reach this muscle condition! Afterwards on, I'll explain why.

Making physical changes takes time.

Often, people making this claim have a faulty perception of how the torso either works or are merely super-optimistic. Of course, it'due south not merely the gym (freaks) that espouses this myth; it tin be traced to numerous ads in a variety of musculus magazines lining the bookstore shelves. The bodybuilding industry, nowadays, thrives on people who are hungry for a quick modify.

They are ready to purchase into the notion that a change can be accomplished because a certain ad lays claims by way of an incredible cut and paste transformation. Frequently, it'due south a beginner who testifies to the phenomenal feat of gaining 30 pounds over a menstruation of several months.

This is, no dubiousness, a great achievement but most have been fooled into assertive that a large percentage is muscle when most of it is due to an increase in glycogen stores, body fatty and h2o.

It's not my intention to dash your hopes or shell your dreams. I'd merely like you to know that the body simply cannot adapt at the speed claimed past many.

For example, Chris Thibaudeau ofIron Magazine Onlinestates: "making concrete changes takes time." This couldn't be closer to the truth.

So be forewarned that in your quest to change or morph yourself into the next Ronnie Coleman; the transformation is going to accept more than a few months. Our bodies are equipped with systems that need to adapt together over a period. This is what yous should bear in listen while working toward the goal of a more muscular physique.

So How Much Muscle Tin can You Gain?

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy when information technology comes to gaining muscle. Nine times out of ten, most of us fail in the dedication department. What starts out as a advisedly planned and calculated plan, ends up striking some bumps along the manner.

Still, even if nosotros are dedicated (some may call it obsessed) and diligent about our nutrition, with proper grooming and recuperation practices, we still would not be able to add more than 1 pound of muscle in a week. That's correct, only one pound per calendar week—and this is assuming yous've had a darn skilful week both inside and outside the gym!


Enlargement or overgrowth of a muscle due to the increased size of the constituent cells. Increased preparation will result in an increase in the size of cells, while the number of cells stays the aforementioned.

Often, people believe that if they take in 3,500 more than calories during a week that they will be successful at packing on slabs of muscle. Withal, the old aphorism that one pound equates to 3,500 calories is right for fat but not muscle. If yous want to gain i pound of fat, then you should be taking in an actress 3,500 calories per week. Now there's ane fashion of putting on some weight!

As I mentioned earlier, the body's multiple systems are all intricately interconnected: if one system has not undergone the proper adaptation, then the results will evidence in the form of a failure to produce optimal hypertrophy of the muscle circuitous. For case, if we were to look at some of the soft tissues involved in the hypertrophy process of the muscle complex, we'd encounter that musculus would by and large accommodate to a load within several days.

Unlike the tendons and ligaments, studies accept shown that muscle responds by adapting after a period of several weeks or even months of progressive loading (McDough & Davies, 1984). Information technology also should exist noted that the poly peptide turnover rate in collagen occurs approximately every one thousand days.

This conspicuously shows that even if 1 were to gain in torso weight, the body would only exist able to conform a certain amount in the form of musculus; otherwise, the muscles would fall casualty to injury due to the time span in adaptation rates for various other tissues.

Those who scoff at this and proceed to believe they've gained super size over such a short period forget, as suggested earlier, that much of the increased body weight is largely due to increased torso fatty stores, glycogen and water.

In the muscles, poly peptide turnover rate occurs approximately every 180 days (6 months).

Hypertrophy of the muscle circuitous has, and then far, been shown to be controlled past what is known as protein turnover (the breakdown of damaged muscle proteins and creation of new and stronger ones). This procedure takes fourth dimension. Just as the many living organisms around united states in nature require time to grow, so do our muscles. In our enzymes the protein turnover rate occurs approximately every 7-x minutes. In the liver and plasma, it's every 10 days.

And in the hemoglobin it'due south every 120 days. In the muscles, protein turnover rate occurs approximately every 180 days (6 months). This lends even more support to the observation that the turnover rate limits the natural body (of the non drug-using athlete, bodybuilder) in building muscle chop-chop.

The Colgan Institute of Nutritional Sciences (located in San Diego, Calif.) run past Dr Michael Colgan PH.D., a leading sport nutritionist explains that in his extensive feel, the most muscle gain he or whatever of his colleagues take recorded over a year was 18 1/4 lbs. Dr Colgan goes on to state that "considering of the limiting rate of turnover in the muscle cells information technology is impossible to grow more than an ounce of new muscle each day."

In non-complicated, mathematical terms, this would equate to roughly 23 pounds in a year! Keep in mind that high-level athletes are the subjects of these studies.

Putting It All Together

Now that I've put a damper on your expectations you can step back and take a closer await at your training, nutritional practices and recuperation tactics. There'due south no need to beat yourself upwards considering you've only been able to proceeds a pound a week for the last 6 weeks. If anything, assuming your trunk fatty levels have been kept at bay, yous're probably on the right rails.

When it comes to musculus gain there is no dramatic technique or quick ready that will allow you to pack on more than muscle naturally. It's ameliorate to stay focused and realistic by training hard, eating meticulously and spending time to recuperate properly; this will result in you achieving a more muscular physique. Keep in mind that it's physiologically impossible to proceeds more than one pound of lean muscle per week.

For almost weight-gainers, half a pound per calendar week would be an fifty-fifty more realistic goal, considering they reach their genetic limit. Remember that gaining muscle is a long-term projection and non something that can be simply turned on. If yous're dedicated and diligent in your efforts, yous'll not be disappointed!

If you lot have a question in regard to this article or take any other bodybuilding questions and so please register for free and ask at our bodybuilding forums.


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